March 21, 2011

Memorandum of Understanding between the Canada Border Services Agency, the Customs and Immigration Union and the Joint Learning Program.
The memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) and the Joint Learning Program (JLP) was implemented on February 28 during the Agency’s first facilitator orientation session. Camille Therriault-Power, Vice-President of Human Resources, CBSA, and Ron Moran, National President, CIU, were on hand to support the initiative and speak with participants. Lauralee Larose, Manager, Labour Relations Program, CBSA, as well as JLP co-directors Mark Pecek and Denis Trottier, opened the session by welcoming participants.

Camille Thériault-Power and Ron Moran
Camille Thériault-Power and Ron Moran

By the end of the week, the 19 participants were provided with strong foundation of facilitation skills and an overview of the JLP program and learning materials. Thus,Robin Campbell, Tina Cyr, William Dionne, Chantal-Shawn Harriman, Mandy Hodge, Sandra Kearns, Pete MacGregor, Rhonda Macklin, Woycheshin, Robert Mancini, Tyson Newman, Corinne Reilly, Logan Rutter, Lyne Scott, Lynn Smith-Doiron, Micheline Steele, Brad Valentine, Caroline Walker and Laurie Walker will have the opportunity to join the CBSA-JLP pool of facilitators.

Marg McPhedron-Axford and Susan Giampietri
Orientation Session Facilitators 
Marg McPhedron-Axford and Susan Giampietri

This MOU includes the delivery of a workshop on creating a harassment-free workplace for all Agency employees and training of the facilitators required for the initiative. The MOU was signed in May 2010 and will be in effect until 2016.

The CBSA MOU is the latest strategic partnership negotiated by the JLP. Strategic partnerships allow a department to leverage JLP expertise and materials to provide important training to a large number of their employees. Strategic partnerships currently in effect address employment equity, the diverse workplace, union-management consultation, and the prevention and resolution of harassment. For more information, contact the JLP Regional Field Coordinators in your region.